
A Cultural Note

In general, it is forbidden for females to enter tea houses and drinking establishments. Drinking in general is also taboo for women in the regions.

tea houses/ ã‡ay xanalar

This is a nice play for males to drink tea, play dominoes, and catch up on the local gossip or talk about the best things to see in the area. This may be a great experience if you have language ability in Turkish, Russian, or Azerbaijani. Please look at the above mentioned cultural note under the “bars” subheading.


Cafés in Lankaran are really small restaurants. If you are looking for coffee, go to the Gala hotel in town.


Çay Xana often serve local piva beer- draft at 50 qapick /glass or bottles at 70 qapick / bottle or araq vodka at 2 AZN per bottle. These can be found in almost any area throughout Azerbaijan. Lankaran has its own brew of beer on tap, so it may be interesting to try something different. If you desire anything exotic e.g. Tiquella, Gin, Rum, you have to go to a modern hotel or restaurant.